With our healthcare system still under immense pressure, developing leadership in nursing has...
CEW in the media

Advocacy & Research, News & Views, Advocacy
Media release: CEW calls on companies to take three deliberate actions to improve gender equity
CEW welcomes the findings of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) Scorecard, which has found that the average total remuneration gender pay gap has dropped to 21.7 per cent in 2023 from 22.8 per cent in 2022.

Advocacy & Research, News & Views, Advocacy
CEW Pre Budget Submission calls on Government to unlock the economy through women’s workforce participation
CEW calls on the Federal Government to unlock the economy by addressing women’s workforce participation
CEW is calling on the Federal Government to address the country’s economic challenges with a suite of policy settings...

Leadership, News & Views, Scholarships
Celebrating three remarkable CEW scholarship benefactors
Scholarships play a fundamental role in CEW’s efforts to create opportunities that level the playing field for women across the country.
Today, as three of our 2024 scholarships are officially opened to applicants, we...

Advocacy & Research, News & Views, Advocacy
CEW celebrates new era of gendered data transparency, calls on all employers to set gender equality targets
Media release: CEW celebrates new era of gendered data transparency, calls on all employers to set gender equality targets
Chief Executive Women (CEW) has welcomed the publication of gender pay gaps for every individual...